Ópus 1–5 eru kennslubækur fyrir nemendur sem stunda grunn- og miðnám í tónfræðum.
Við gerð bókanna var stuðst við námskrá Mennta- og barnamálaráðuneytisins.
Útgáfa Ópus tónfræðibókanna á íslensku og ensku hófst 2008.
Höfundar bókanna eru Guðfinna Guðlaugsdóttir og Marta E. Sigurðardóttir.
Guðfinna útskrifaðist úr tónmenntakennaradeild Tónlistarskólans í Reykjavík árið 1988. Lengst af starfaði hún sem tónfræðakennari hjá Tónlistarskóla Kópavogs til 2018 ásamt því að vera virk í útgáfu námsefnis.
Marta útskrifaðist úr tónmenntakennaradeild Tónlistarskólans í Reykjavík árið 1987. Hún starfaði sem tónfræðakennari og deildarstjóri hjá Tónlistarskóla Kópavogs frá 1986 til 2018. Marta hefur einnig verið virk í námsefnisgerð.
Rán Flygenring er teiknari og hönnuður bókanna. Rán útskrifaðist frá Listaháskóla Íslands árið 2009 og hefur starfað sjálfstætt sem teiknari síðan.
Music and Notation
Kennarahefti – verkefni í skriflegri tónheyrn fyrir nemendur.
Vinnubók í tónheyrn
Nemendahefti – form fyrir skriflega tónheyrn.
Tónheyrnarverkefni 1–5
Verkefni í munnlegri tónheyrn fyrir nemendur.
Opus, vols. 1–5 are music theory textbooks for children aged eight and older. While originally conceived for use in music schools, they are also suitable for instruction in primary schools and for private study. The five volumes form a progressive course, taking students from the rudiments of music theory through intermediate-level study. Currently, volumes 1–3 have been translated into English, but all five books are readily available in Icelandic.
The books teach the fundamentals of music theory through a variety of methods, including games and puzzles. We have found that colourful graphic presentation makes the subject much more accessible for students. The books also contain anecdotal information from music history, which can easily be related to listening and analysis.
The Opus Music Theory textbooks are the result of many years of experimental teaching by the authors, who are former music teachers at Kópavogur Music School, one of the largest music schools in Iceland. The aim is to enable all pupils to use the material provided. We opted for graphic presentation because, in the course of our experimental teaching, it yielded the best results.
The Opus Music Theory textbooks have received publication grants from Ministry of Education and Children, the Icelandic Association of Music School Teachers, and others.
Music and Notation
Kennarahefti – verkefni í skriflegri tónheyrn fyrir nemendur.
Vinnubók í tónheyrn
Nemendahefti – form fyrir skriflega tónheyrn (Music & Notation).
Tónheyrnarverkefni 1–5
Verkefni í munnlegri tónheyrn fyrir nemendur.
The publication of the Opus music books, together with related material in Icelandic and English, began in 2008. The authors of the books are former music teachers Marta E. Sigurðardóttir and Guðfinna Guðlaugsdóttir. The material is published under the name of Opus Music Theory.
Guðfinna Guðlaugsdóttir holds a degree in music education from the Reykjavík College of Music. She taught music theory from 1988 to 2018, mostly at Kópavogur Music School, as well as being an active writer and editor of teaching materials.
Marta E. Sigurðardóttir holds a degree in music education from the Reykjavík College of Music. She taught at Kópavogur Music School from 1986 to 2018 and was head of the school’s music theory department from 1990 to 2018. She has also been an active writer of educational material.
Rán Flygenring is the graphic designer and illustrator of the Opus Music Theory books. She graduated with a BA in graphic design from the Iceland Academy of the Arts in 2009. She has been active in the creative field for several years, working mainly in the field of illustration and graphic storytelling. Rán has received numerous awards and nominations for her work.